Friday, August 27, 2010

Personal Injury

Many of us have had the embarrassing experience of slipping and falling in the middle of a grocery store, at the mall, your local bank, restaurant, school or college, movie theaters, and many other places. Though the pain of being embarrassed can be a lot to handle, what many people don’t realize is that often times the slip was unavoidable, and likely wasn’t their fault.

Companies worry about liability issues all the time – and rightfully so! When you have many people involved in maintaining the proper safety standards in a workplace, one oversight or negligent action can lead to very serious consequences. The tough thing about injuries is that sometimes you think you are fine, but a few months down the road you start noticing symptoms that were are a direct result of your accident, but for some reason didn’t appear until later.

In many cases the injured person is not covered by workmen’s compensation insurance, and ends up having to pay for the medical bills out of their own pocket. In such cases, the only way to recover the cost is to sue the owners (or the liable party) of the property where the incident happened.

The great news is that your attorney will be able to advise you on whether or not you may have a case against those responsible for your injury. For example, a recent news article illustrates a case where the defendant was not held responsible for the harm done to one of their customers. Cases like this make you wonder – would there be a different outcome to this story if the injured party was represented by a different law group? Read the story here and decide for yourself whether you think this was a just decision.

When it comes to personal injury, we must think of the long-term effects it will have on our life. Nobody wants to have permanent neck or back issues, broken or cracked bones, or dislocated joints; thus it’s important to get immediate medical treatment and ensure that your health is not going to be affected long-term.

If you were recently hurt in an accident, especially in an instance where you think it may have been someone else’s fault, we may be able to help you. The best thing you can do in this situation is to keep good records about your injury, and talk to an attorney who has a history of working on personal injury cases. Here is a quick list of some of the areas of personal injury law that our firm specializes in:

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